Monday, September 3, 2007

"When our hearts meet, I know you see"

Most of the good music in my life has come from my girlfriend's suggestion. Today's entry is also the case (thank you darlin'). Plumb is a singer songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee who has released seven albums since coming onto the music scene in 1997. Plumb started out as a contemporary christian band, until lead singer Tiffany Lee went solo in 2000, retained the group's name, and went more mainstream. Lee has written several songs for artists such as Michelle Branch, Kimberly Locke, and Mandy Moore, while managing to put out new material every few years. Insightful lyrics and a crisp voice make Plumb extremely enjoyable to listen to. Plumb's new album Blink comes out in October, and I for one can't wait to give it a listen.

For your ears -
Plumb: Cut
Plumb: Damaged
Plumb: Better
buy Plumb albums here

For your eyes -
Plumb's video for "Cut"

Plumb's Website, MySpace

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