Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today's pretty awesome for me, being my day of birth and all. I'm going to celebrate laid back styles this year, as it is a Monday. Video gaming, shopping, and lots of Indian food are on track for today. I thought I'd do a quick post of albums that have been released on my birthday. Enjoy!

Dave Matthews Band  - Crash (1996) - This came out on my 18th birthday, and I love this album muchly.

Marvin Gaye - M.P.G. (1969) - I wasn't even a glimmer in my Dad's eye, but this is a great soul album

Norah Jones - Little Broken Hearts (2012) - Just came out! Going to go have a listen!

Muppets FTW!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Five: I've Got You Covered!

Huzzah for Friday! Here's a slew of cover songs for your enjoyment!

For your ears: (except for #3, just right click to save)
 1. Santigold "Proud Mary" (Creedence Clearwater Revival cover)
 2. Saint Etienne "Wouldn't It Be Nice" (Beach Boys cover)
 3. Dev "99 Red Balloons" (Nena cover)
 4. Silver Medallion "Starships" (Nicki Minaj cover)
 5. Marina & The Diamonds "Boyfriend" (Justin Bieber cover)

Support these artists by buying their original songs over here

For your eyes:
  A pretty spot on parody of Lana Del Rey's "Video Games", Written and performed by Holly Laurent., this is "Hunger Games".  Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's been a long time, shouldn't have left ya without a dope beat to step to...

Good gracious, I completely let this drop, didn't I? Four years later, I've found this blog again, and I've decided to dust it off and give'r another go. I'll still do some music leaks and track reviews, but I'm also going to throw in some of the books / movies / video games / apps that are taking up all my free time.

Speaking of which, here are my top 5 time killers right now:
  1. Simpsons: Tapped Out App - This classic builder app from EA sounded so sweet when it was released in February, especially as it was free to download. Not even a week later, EA had completely pulled the game due to numerous glitches and complaints. I had to restart my game twice due to glitches, and it occasionally makes me want to pull my hair out in frustration, but it has its charms. 
  2.  Game of Thrones - I read George R. R. Martin's complete series over the winter, and I have to admit I am very impressed with the job HBO is doing with translating the books to the small screen. 
  3. Oblivion: Elder Scrolls IV for Xbox 360 - Now, I know everybody and their mom is playing Skyrim right now, but I picked up this Game of The Year edition to get a taste of the series before jumping on the Skyrim band wagon. The quests are interesting, though the graphics are pretty shite. I'd give it an 80 out of 100.
  4. Music! I've mostly been sticking to early 90s alternative, but current tracks on my radar include the new album by Lana Del Rey, and Tasha the Amazon's single "Let It Go" (more on her later this week!).
  5. The flu - just when you thought Spring was here, Mother Nature decides to throw Toronto some ungodly ass cold weather. After partying all weekend in said disgusting weather, I caught the flu. 3 days in, and I finally don't feel like a complete zombie. Bite me, flu!