Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 31 - Dolls

Dolls 1987
For the final day of my challenge, I went with an old childhood favorite that used to simultaneously scare/crack up me and my kid sister. 1987's Dolls is a schlocky film, and the special effects are dated, but it still holds a special place in my heart. The plot of Dolls goes like this:
"A violent thunderstorm strands six people in the gothic English countryside including Judy, who's traveling with her father and her cold, self-centered, stepmother. They are accompanied by a mild-mannered businessman Ralph, who has picked up two hitchhikers, both British punk rock girls. They all wind up at a mansion inhabited by Gabriel and Hilary Hartwicke, charming elderly people who appear to be toy makers; their house literally abounds with dolls, puppets, and other beautifully detailed toys.
One by one, the overnight guests are attacked by dolls who turn out to be cursed, immoral people that have been killed and imprisoned in toys to pay for their crimes by the owners of the house, who are actually witches. Judy's father and stepmother end up being punished by the dolls for their lack of love towards their daughter, while the two female punks are also punished for trying to steal antiques from the house. However, since the dolls like those who are pure at heart (like Judy) or young at heart (like Ralph), they are spared.
The movie ends with Ralph and Judy, who were knocked out by Judy's father during a brawl at the climax of the movie, leaving the house together after being bid farewell by Gabriel and Hilary, who even invite them to come back whenever they want, knowing they show respect to the childhood world and its mysteries. As they both drive away from the mansion, another car with another family with a set of obnoxious parents suddenly arrives and their car breaks down, seemingly stuck in the mud, yards from the mansion." - wikipedia
Check it out:

Top Ten Horror Movies of All Time

Crepy Vintage Halloween Kids
On Monday, released its list of the top 10 horror movies of all time, as determined by user votes and ratings. Here's what they came up with:
  1. The Shining (original)
  2. Alien
  3. Shaun of the Dead
  4. Pyscho (original)
  5. Cloverfield
  6. Zombieland
  7. Saw
  8. The Exorcist
  9. 28 Days Later...
  10. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
I won't rant too hard about the absurdity of this list, because it's complied from users' ratings and not from IMDB staff themselves, but still, C'MON!!!  While I love Alien, it is a fracking Sci-Fi film, not a horror film. Who the hell was scared by Cloverfield? Seriously? I won't even start on Sweeney Todd... because I refuse to give myself a brain aneurysm on Halloween.

Here's what my top ten of all time looks like, let me know what you think.

  1. The Exorcist
  2. 28 Days Later...
  3. Audition
  4. Martyrs
  5. Hostel
  6. The Shining (original)
  7. High Tension
  8. Shaun of The Dead
  9. Silence of The Lambs
  10. The Descent

Halloween Freebie: Plants VS Zombies

Happy Halloween! If you're in the US, PopCap and The ADA have teamed up to give away PC or Mac versions of the popular game Plants VS Zombies until November 11th. They also include coupons to print out, in hopes that you'll give those out tonight instead of cavity-causing candy. I say give 'em both out! Here's the special link to get the codes and coupons: Stop Zombie Mouth

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 30 - Jennifer's Body

Jennifer's Body (2009)
 When it comes to 2009's Jennifer's Body, most people overlook the fact that the crew responsible for Juno also made this film because of Megan Fox. While the producers of this movie would rather have this film dubbed as a "black comedy", with demonic possession, disembowelment, and ritualistic murder, Jennifer's Body is a horror flick at its core. The film stars Megan Fox as popular high school cheerleader Jennifer, and Amanda Seyfried as her plain-Jane best friend, Anita. The film starts off with Anita in an asylum, and flashing back to the events that put her there. Despite having little in common, Jennifer and Anita have been friends since early childhood. We see the duo head out to see an indie band, Low Shoulder, at a local dive bar. While there, a fire breaks out that kills multiple people, and Jennifer ends up leaving with the band, despite Anita's nagging not to go. <Spoiler Alert> Jennifer shows up later that night at Anita's acting strange, vomiting some crazy black goo all over the kitchen floor, and then disappearing. She shows up the next day at school as if nothing has happened, and then takes the captain of the football team out into  the woods at lunch and disembowels him. The film progresses through a series of murders of male high school students perpetrated by Jennifer, who seems to have become a succubus. Anita realizes through the help of an occult book that her friend has become a demon, and that the members of Low Shoulder (who have become insanely popular following the dive bar fire), are responsible. Seems Low Shoulder did a bargain with the Devil, and Jennifer was the sacrifice they needed to make it happen. Anita then decides she has to put her friend out of her misery. After an intense fight scene, Anita kills Jennifer, is caught by the authorities, and placed in a mental asylum. At the end of the movie, we see  Anita (who was bitten by Jennifer and has gained some of her powers) breakout of the asylum, and heads to a hotel where Low Shoulder are staying and murders them. I really enjoy this movie. I think the writing is smart, the dialogue is fast, and the special effects are superb. Amanda Seyfried is a great actress, and her and Megan Fox have real chemistry on screen together. Check it out:


Today marks some major changes to this blog. I've had such a good time watching and reviewing horror movies during my "Horror Movie A Day" October challenge that I've decided to shift the focus of the blog to horror movies, one of my big loves. So, new site name, new layout. I hope you'll continue to read, comment, and send along movies for me to watch.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 29 - Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer (1990)
 Loosely based on the antics of real life serial murderer Henry  Lee Lucas, 1990's Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is an extremely graphic film starring Michael Rooker in the lead role. Rooker's performance in Henry... is chilling and exactly how you'd expect a sociopath to behave, and often difficult to watch. Shot for only $110,000 and on 16mm film, Henry... at times feels like you're watching someone's personal snuff film. Henry... shows a few months span of Henry's time in Chicago after being released from prison for murdering his mother, and his killing spree that him and his prison buddy, Otis, go on. While Rooker's performance is solid here, I don't think I'd be able to watch Henry... a second time, as it is too realistically violent and sadistic. Check it out:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 28 - PontyPool

PontyPool (2008)
A few years ago, a friend suggested I watch a Canadian horror flick called Pontypool, and I had forgotten all about it until I saw it on Netflix's Recently Added today. God, I wish I had forgotten, as this movie really made my head hurt, and it's not just the flu bug I have. Released in 2008, the film is set in a radio station in Pontypool, a small village in Ontario, where one day the morning team starts taking reports of extreme, bloody incidents of violence occurring in town. As the story unfolds, the radio staff soon realizes the violence that is ripping society apart is due to a virus being spread through the English language. That in turn poses a problem for a yappy radio jock and his staff holed up in the broadcast booth housed in the basement of the town's abandoned church as a slaughter rages beyond its walls.  At Rue Morgue's 2008 Festival of Fear expo, director Bruce McDonald stressed the victims of the virus detailed in the film were not zombies and called them "conversationalists". He described the stages of the disease:
"There are three stages to this virus. The first stage is you might begin to repeat a word. Something gets stuck. And usually it's words that are terms of endearment like sweetheart or honey. The second stage is your language becomes scrambled and you can't express yourself properly. The third stage you become so distraught at your condition that the only way out of the situation you feel, as an infected person, is to try and chew your way through the mouth of another person."
I personally didn't like this film, and found that it was way too much talking and not enough showing. Check it out:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 27 - The Rite

2011 The Rite
Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite actors, and he really nails his character, Father Lucas, in 2011's The Rite. The Rite is a supernatural thriller dealing with a young man named Micheal (Colin O'Donoghue) who enters into Catholic seminary in order to get a free college education. When he tries to abdicate, his bluff is called and he is forced with choosing between taking his vows and taking an exorcism class in Rome or paying back $100,000 in college fees. While in Rome, he meets a reporter, Angelina, who is reporting on the class. As both Micheal and Angelina are marked as skeptics, they are arranged to meet the renowned exorcist, Father Lucas. The trio then go through an especially chilling series of exorcisms and unexplainable happenings. The Rite is a solid film, especially if you're a fan of demonic possessions. Check it out:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 26 - The Eye (2002 Original)

The Eye 2002
 Please don't get  2002's The Eye (directed by The Pang Brothers) confused with the horrible 2008 remake starring Jessica Alba. The Eye is a great Asian Horror film that follows a classically trained violinist, Mun, who has been blind basically since birth. When she's 20, she undergoes a cornea transplant and slowly begins to regain sight. However, she begins to see strange figures and begins to realize that they are foretelling gruesome deaths. With the help of a psychologist. she begins to unravel the mystery behind her visions. The Eye is a solid piece of story-telling, the cinematography is brilliant, and it will creep you the hell out. Check it out:

Gin gwai (The Eye) from Lunchboks on Veehd.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 25 - Pet Sematary

pet Sematary movie poster 1989
I loved reading Stephen King's stories as a kid (The Dark Tower series is still my favorite), and Pet Sematary was one of the first of King's novels I had ever read. Unfortunately, with very few exceptions (Stand By Me, The Green Mile), most of King's stories that have been turned into movies or miniseries just flat out suck. 1989's Pet Sematary is no exception, the movie is pretty ham-handed and the "scares" in the movie are horribly outdated when watched today. Pet Sematary is the story of Dr Louis Creed, who moves his family into a small town in Maine. One day, his family's cat is hit by a semi truck, and his neighbor suggests burying the cat at a local Indian cemetery where the cat will magically come back to life. Louis decides what the heck and takes the old man's advice, as he doesn't want his daughter unhappy. The cat comes back to life, and all is well, until Louis' young son is smashed like a pinata on the road by a tractor trailer. Louis, in a state of deranged anguish, takes his son to the Indian burial ground. Hell breaks loose shortly thereafter. Now, I watched this full well knowing this is a horrible movie, because there is two scenes in the whole movie that freaked the frack out of me when I was a kid. I was talking to my girlfriend and friend about it on Tuesday night. The scenes deals with Louis' wife, Rachel, and her sister Zelda (who had spinal meningitis). Those damn scenes had me freaked out for YEARS about meningitis,and may be the root of my hypochondria. I'm including the clips below, as well as the full movie, but the clips honestly are the best part of the whole movie. Check it out:

Zelda clips:

Full Movie:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 24 - 28 Days Later

28 Days Later (2002)
I really and truly adore 2002's 28 Days Later. Set in "present day" London, 28 Days Later tells the story of a society in shambles after the release of a virus (called "Rage") turns most of the denizens into extremely fast and extremely pissed off zombies. Zombies that can run super fast creep the hell out of me, and 28 Days Later is chock full of skin-crawling moments. Directed by Danny Boyle, and starring Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns, and Christopher Eccleston, 28 Days Later has been credited with reviving the zombie horror sub-genre. This movie (and all of its endings) is truly a classic. Check it out:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 23 - Chernobyl Diaries

Chernobyl Diaries 2012
Tonight I went with 2012's Chernobyl Diaries, which was recently released on DVD. Chernobyl Diaries tells the story of a group of six vacationers who, looking to go off the beaten path in Kiev, hire an "extreme" tour guide to travel into the city of Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, but a deserted town since the disaster more than 25 years ago.While I enjoyed this film, the characters as written do everything you're not supposed to do in a horror film, so I found myself yelling at the screen a great deal. If you're looking for a quick, mindless film to give you a few chills, check this one out, the make-up special effects were pretty good.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 22 - Snowtown

Snowtown 2011
 Today I tried to watch a 2011 Australian film called Snowtown. Snowtown is a film based on the true story of serial killer that operated out of a northern suburb of Adelaide, and the people in the community who helped him to cover his tracks. This movie plods along, and is horribly depressing as it focuses on a member of a white trash family for most of the movie rather than the killer, and I finally just shut it off. Put on subtitles if you watch this one, because the actors mumble and their accents are horribly thick. Nothing scary about this flick, I'd honestly not bother.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 21 - Fido

Fido (2007)
After copious amounts of brains yesterday and a rolled ankle, I am feeling crappy and didn't want to make any decisions, so I went with Netflix's suggestion to watch Fido. Fido is like Pleasantville meets Land of The Dead. This film is more a comedy, and my favorite part of the movie is that Billy Connelly (who play the main character Fido) never speaks. Here's a breakdown written by somebody other than me because I am brain dead this morning:
"The film takes place in a 1950s-esque alternate universe where radiation from space has turned the dead into zombies. This resulted in the "Zombie Wars", where humanity battled zombies to prevent a zombie apocalypse, with humanity the ultimate victor. The radiation still plagues humanity, as all those who die after the original contamination turn into the undead, unless the dead body is disposed of by decapitation or cremation. In order to continue living normal lives, communities are fenced with the help of a governing corporation named Zomcon. Zomcon provides collars with accompanying remote controls to control the zombies' hunger for flesh so as to use them as slaves or servants. In the town of Willard, whose name is a reference to the town in the original 1968 Night of the Living Dead, housewife Helen Robinson (Carrie-Anne Moss) buys a zombie in spite of her husband Bill's (Dylan Baker) zombie phobia, as Bill has had bad experiences with zombies having been a veteran of the Zombie Wars. Their son, Timmy (K'Sun Ray), befriends the zombie, naming him "Fido" (his true name is never revealed, and little is revealed of his "pre-zombie" life) One day, Fido's collar malfunctions and he kills their next door neighbor, who turns into a zombie. Timmy "kills" the zombified neighbor later, but not before she kills and infects another person, causing a small outbreak. Zomcom security forces quell the situation and then investigate what caused the outbreak."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 20 - Shaun of The Dead

Shaun of the Dead 2004
I'm gearing up for today's Zombie March by watching 2004's Shaun of the Dead. While technically a zombie comedy, there's still a great deal of gore splashed throughout this film. Written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright (who also directed), Shaun of the Dead is a simply fantastic film on one man's journey to get his shit together on the same day a zombie apocalypse strikes London. Starring Simon Pegg as Shaun, and an incredibly funny Nick Frost as Shaun's best friend Ed, and various members of the casts of Spaced and the UK's The Office, Shaun of the Dead is solid from start to finish. I'm keeping this brief because I've got to go get some red on me, but trust me on this one and watch! Check it out:

2012 Toronto Zombie Walk

 Festivities start at 12p @ Nathan Phillips Square, Walk starts at 3pm. BE THERE!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 19 - Trick 'r Treat

Trick 'r Treat (2009)
Trick 'r Treat is a fun little movie from 2009 that tells four different tales that happen on Halloween Day, the only common element being the presence of Sam, a mysterious pint-sized trick-or-treater wearing shabby orange pajamas with a burlap sack over his head. He makes an appearance in all the stories as a 'friendly-reminder' to those who break Halloween traditions. Don't let the cheesy poster fool you, this movie is chock-full of scares, and some really great special effects. Starring Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, Tahmoh Penikett, and more, Trick 'r Treat should be one your to watch list. Check it out:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 18 - Rob Zombie's Halloween

Halloween (2007)
 I loved the Halloween series when I was a kid, and Michael Myers definitely scared the crap out of me way more than Jason did (and does anybody remember the creepy ass scene in Halloween 3 when the snakes and shit come out of the Halloween masks when the kids put them on? Scarred me for life!). Now, I'm usually hesitant to watch remakes, because most of them just aren't that good (Pyscho, The Hills Have Eyes, Last House on the Left, The Haunting, etc). However, Rob Zombie did an excellent job in 2007's remake of John Carpenter's original Halloween. What's great here is that Zombie takes the original premise of Michael Myers stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Halloween night, but then morphs Halloween into a prequel as well, showing what exactly happened to Michael Myers as a child to turn him into such a deranged killer. This movie has lots of gore, lots of violence, and some really original death scenes. I highly recommend this movie over any of the other 8 movies in the Halloween franchise. Check it out:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Horror Movie A Day:: Day 17 - Office Killer

Office Killer 1997
 Office Killer is a quirky little film from 1997 that's more comedy than horror, and stars Molly Ringwald, Carol Kane, and Jeanne Tripplehorne.When Dorine Douglas' job as proofreader for Constant Consumer magazine is turned into an at-home position during a downsizing, she doesn't know how to cope. But after accidentally killing one of her co-workers, she discovers that murder can quench the loneliness of her home life, as a macabre office place forms in her basement, populated by dead co-workers. Office Killer is pretty fun, and is currently streaming on Netflix. Check it out!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 16 - Sinister

Today I headed out to the movies to catch the newest Ethan Hawke paranormal thriller, Sinister. Ethan Hawke's character, Ellison, is a true crime novelist who is looking to write another bestseller after a 10 year dry spell.. Ellison moves his wife and young kids into the house where a grisly murder was committed, leaving a family of 4 dead, with one child missing. Upon moving in, Ellison finds a box of Super 8 films in the attic that show the horrific murders of a number of families, dating all the way back to the 60s. One of the films show the murder of the previous occupants of the house, and all the films seemed to be tied together by an unusual symbol that appears throughout all the murders. With the help of a local law officer, and a college professor, Ellison begins to unravel the mystery behind the films, and things in his own household begin to unravel. Sinister is a pretty decent horror film, and has some truly gruesome moments (there's a scene with a lawn mower that is worth watching the entire movie just for that). Catch this one at a matinee and enjoy!

Baker, Baker

Tori Amos Baker Baker

Tori Amos "Baker Baker"

Tori Amos "Baker Baker" (Sultry Groove Mix)

Tori Amos "Baker Baker" (Alternate Mix)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 15 - Dawn of The Dead

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
 Watching the season premiere of The Walking Dead made me want to watch a good zombie flick for my movie today, and I decided to go with 2004's remake of Dawn of The Dead. Starring Sarah Polley (<3's), Ving Rhames, and Jake Weber as a group of zombie apocalypse survivors living in a Wisconsin mall that is swarming with zombies outside. Dawn of The Dead ranks in my top 3 zombie flicks (Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later rounding out the list) because it satisfyingly answered the question of "What happens if a pregnant women is infected from a zombie bite and then gives birth?". I also enjoy this film because the special effects are top notch, there's plenty of gore, and the zombies are fast (and there is nothing freakier than zombies that can sprint). I'm not of huge fan of George A. Romero's original, but I definitely suggest checking this one out:

New Music Releases for the week of 10/15/2012

Brandy Two Eleven 2012
 For album releases this week, Brandy  drops Two Eleven, Ben Gibbard (of Death Cab for Cutie) releases Former Lives, Bat for Lashes debuts The Haunted Man, and Leona Lewis is back with Glassheart.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 14 - Martyrs

 In 2008, French director Pascal Laugier premiered his film, Martyrs, at the Cannes Film Festival and shocked audiences with this horror film of the New French Extremity movement. Martyrs tells the story of two young girls, Lucie and Anna, who befriend each other during a stay at a French orphanage. Lucie appears to have been a victim of some horrible abuse, and suffers from delusions of being attacked. The film then fast forwards 15 years into the future, where we see Lucie commit a horrible crime seemingly out of nowhere. Martyrs then travels down an intense, horrific path that I won't talk about anymore because this is a movie that deserves to be seen, not spoiled. Martyrs will stick with you for days, and the even the English subtitles don't take away from this shock fest. The acting, cinematography, and special effects in Martyrs is superb. Watch it now, you will be in for one hell of a ride.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 13 - The Prophecy 2

The Prophecy 2 (1998)
I really enjoyed the first Prophecy movie, so I thought I'd give 1998's The Prophecy 2 a spin. Christopher Walken returns for this sequel, and is also joined by Brittany Murphy, Jennifer Beals, and Eric Roberts. The premise of The Prophecy movies are that there's a civil war going on in Heaven between the angels. Certain bands of angels (led by Walken's character, Gabriel) want to see humans eradicated from the face of the Earth. In The Prophecy 2, Gabriel returns from Hell to try and thwart the birth of a baby who has a human mother (Beals) and an angel father, who has been foretold to bring an end to the angelic wars. Brittany Murphy stars as a botched suicide victim who becomes Gabriel's "talking monkey/errand runner". Walken is a brilliant actor as always, and the movie is pretty enjoy, though low on scares. If you have not seen the first Prophecy movie, do so before watching the sequel, things will make much more sense, as the story line in The Prophecy 2 is a little murky. Check it out:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Five: Rocky Mountain High

15 years ago today, John Denver's experimental airplane ran out of gas off the coast of California, tragically killing the prolific singer/songwriter. Here's five cover songs of either Denver sons, or songs covered by Denver.

For your ears:
Mike Doughty "Take Me Home, Country Roads" (John Denver cover)

Youth Lagoon "Goodbye Again" (John Denver cover)

John Denver "Angel from Montgomery" (John Prine cover)

John Denver "What's That I Hear?" (Phil Ochs cover)

The Watson Brothers "Annie's Song" (John Denver cover)

For your eyes:
John Denver and Julie Andrews performing "Edelweiss"

Horror Movie A Day: Day 12 - Suspiria

Suspiria is a weird little Italian film that was directed and released by Dario Argento in 1977. Suspiria tells the tale of an American ballet dancer who transfers to a prestigious German ballet school, only to find out that it's ran by a coven of witches. This film is a cult classic, and has been highly praised for its visual style. I like this movie because there are plenty of cheesy moments to rip on, yet enough creepy and gruesome scenes to keep a horror buff interested. Word is there's also a remake in the works and set for release in 2013. Check it out:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 11 - The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism (2010)
There are a ton of really horrible "demonic possession/exorcism" movies out there, but fortunately The Last Exorcism is not one of those films. Directed by Daniel Stamm, this 2010 "found footage" brilliantly builds up a tense atmosphere to tell the story of a disillusioned preacher who wants to show the fraud in his ministry. The preacher, Cotton Marcus (played by Patrick Fabian), brings a documentary crew with him to show how he performs fake exorcisms to scam money off of believers. After receiving a letter from a backwoods Louisiana farmer who believes his daughter is possessed, the crew set out to film Cotton's final fake exorcism. Cotton meets the daughter, Nell, and after a hefty payment from the father, and much theatrics, Cotton "exorcises" Nell. Not wanting to completely spoil this film, let's just say that afterwards, all hell breaks loose and things on the farm get insane. The Last Exorcism is an all-around polished gem; the acting, directing, writing, and special effects are all spot on and original. I highly recommend checking this out:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 10 - Apartment 143

I decided today to be brave and take Netflix's suggestion on what movie I should watch. With a user rating of 4 out of 5 stars, I took the plunge and started 2012's Apartment 143. This Spanish movie deals with a group of paranormal investigators who set up shop in a widower's apartment whose family has been experiencing a haunting. The movie is shot POV camcorder style/security footage (in typical "Paranormal Activity" fashion). Apartment 143 boasts no big names, and the acting can be a bit ham-handed at times, but it has some decent special effects. The story gets a bit convoluted towards the end, but if you enjoy "real life" paranormal movies, Apartment 143 is a decent time killer. Check it out:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 9 - Battle Royale

Battle Royale
Battle Royale is a movie I  truly love, and is regarded as one of the best pieces of cinema to come out of Japan since its 2000 release. The main character in the film, Shuya (portrayed by Tatsuya Fujiwara) is dealing with the suicide of his father, and while on a class field trip, finds himself thrust onto a fortified island. The 8th grade class teacher, Kitano (brilliantly acted by Takeshi Kitano) informs his students that they have been chosen by lottery to enact that year's Battle Royale, a fight to the death where only one student must remain standing after 3 days, or everyone's head will explode. The students are then given a bag of supplies and one weapon, and sent out onto the island to systematically murder their friends. This movie is graphic and violent, but very smart and well-acted. Battle Royale is one of the most original films I have ever watched, and should be on every horror fans "must see" list. Check it out:

Hey Jupiter

Tori Amos Hey Jupiter remixes

Tori Amos "Hey Jupiter"

Tori Amos "Hey Jupiter" (Dakota Mix)

Tori Amos "Hey Jupiter" (Haunted Closet Mix)

Tori Amos "Hey Jupiter" (Marjon and Me Remix)

New Music Releases for the week of 10/8/2012

ellie goulding halcyon rar
 Besides a ton of "greatest hits" albums coming out today, the only notable new album releases this week come from Ellie Goulding (Halcyon) and A Fine Frenzy (Pines).

For singles officially out, there's Adele's new 007 song "Skyfall", and Big Boi featuring Kelly Rowland "Mama Told Me".

Monday, October 8, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 8 - The Omen

The Omen (1976)
 Note: This post is going to appear post-dated, because the Blogger App for IPhone is a piece of junk and will leave you unable to properly publish when you're off cottaging for Thanksgiving and didn't bring your laptop. Screw you, Blogger!

Every few years I watch 1976's The Omen because I love Gregory Peck, and I forget that this movie isn't very good. The Omen is a film about an American Ambassador, Robert Thorn (Peck), and his wife Kathy (Lee Remick) whose newborn son dies right after birth in Rome. Fearing for his wife's mental health, Thorn arranges an adoption of another little boy from a priest in Rome, and keeps this a secret from his wife. The film then shows little Damien growing up, and through a series of strange mishaps, Thorn is informed by a priest that his adopted son is in fact The Antichrist. Thorn is charged with killing Damien in order to secure the safety of the world. This does not go very well. Directed by Richard Donner, The Omen was born out of the horror boom that followed during The Exorcist, and it's a rushed job. While I generally love most movies that have anything to do with The Devil®, The Omen falls flat, as it moves much too slowly without building any real suspense, and the special effects and story  are extremely dated. Watch this only if you're bored out of your mind and have nothing else to do.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 7 - The Descent

The Descent
Note: This post is going to appear post-dated, because the Blogger App for IPhone is a piece of junk and will leave you unable to properly publish when you're off cottaging for Thanksgiving and didn't bring your laptop. Screw you, Blogger!

2005's The Descent (and its 2009 sequel) have made it very clear that I will never, ever go cave exploring for any amount of money in the world. The Descent tells the story of six female friends who enter an unmapped cave system, become trapped, and then are hellishly hunted down by subterranean  humanoid monsters. This British film is incredibly gory, and I found myself feeling downright claustrophobic while watching this movie. Writer/Director Neil Marshall did an excellent job building an almost unbearable atmosphere, and main character Sarah (played by Shauna MacDonald) delivers a solid performance. The US version of the film has a different ending from the original ending, losing about a minute and a half. Both endings can be found on the DVD edition of the film. Check it out:

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 6 - The Silence of The Lambs

Silence of the Lambs
Note: This post is going to appear post-dated, because the Blogger App for IPhone is a piece of junk and will leave you unable to properly publish when you're off cottaging for Thanksgiving and didn't bring your laptop. Screw you, Blogger!

The Silence of the Lambs brought Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter to the forefront of American movie-goers minds in 1991, and sealed Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins as two of this generation's finest actors. Based off the incredibly excellent book by Thomas Harris, The Silence of The Lambs follows FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Foster) as she tries to track down the serial killer Buffalo Bill with the help of jailed serial killer Dr Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter (Hopkins). Jonathan Demme did an excellent job with directing this film, and Foster and Hopkins had amazing chemistry on-screen. The Silence of the Lambs is not over-the-top with gore or violence, but is one of the best horror movies out there, and has five Oscars to back it up (Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay). Check it out:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 5 - The Cell

Movie Poster for the 2000 film The Cell
Most film critics panned the hell out of The Cell when it came out in 2000, but Tarsem Singh's film is one of the most visually stunning horror movies out there, with a solid story. Starring Jennifer Lopez, Vince Vaughn, and a super-creepy Vincent D'Onofrio, The Cell tales the story of a child psychologist who uses cutting edge technology to go directly into the mind of a comatose serial killer to try and find his latest victim's location. Director Singh used a lot of art pieces and music video sets to create the world inside the killer's head, and it is truly creepy and gorgeous at the same time, and there are scenes that will actually make you cover your eyes out of sheer squick. Any movie that actually makes you care about what happens to J.Lo has done its job. Check it out:

Friday Five: Beatles' Covers

Simpsons Abbey Road parody
The Beatles released their first album (Love Me Do) 50 years ago today. In celebration, here's 5 covers of Beatles' songs to start off your weekend. Enjoy!

For your ears:
Mumford & Sons "Carry That Weight/Golden Slumbers" (Beatles cover)

NOVI "I Am The Walrus" (Beatles cover)

Tapes N Tapes "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" (Beatles cover)

Florence + The Machine "Oh Darling" (Beatles covers)

Al Green "I Want To Hold Your Hand" (Beatles cover)

For your eyes:
Nina Simone performing The Beatles' "Here Comes The Sun".

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Throwback: Janis Joplin's Pearl

On today's date in 1970, singer Janis Joplin was found dead at the Landmark Hotel Hollywood after an accidental heroin overdose. Pearl was the 4th studio album recorded by Joplin, and was released posthumously by Columbia Records in 1971. Pearl went on to spend 9 weeks at number one on the US Billboard charts and was eventually certified quadruple platinum by the RIAA. Highlight tracks on the album include "Me and Bobby McGee", "A Woman Left Lonely", and "Mercedes Benz".

Horror Movie A Day: Day 4 - House of 1,000 Corpses

For my October project, I've started off with my favorite horror movies, and Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses is definitely on my top ten list. The 2003 film has a brilliant ensemble cast, starring Bill Moseley, Sid Haig, Rainn Wilson, Karen Black, Erin Daniels, and Sheri Moon Zombie. The film focuses on two couples who are held hostage by an insane backwoods family on Halloween. House of 1000 Corpses was Rob Zombie's first shot at directing, and Zombie plays homage to 70 slasher films like Texas Chain Saw Massacre throughout. Surprisingly, the film was shot by Universal Studios in 2000, but canned by executives who thought the film would get an NC-17 rating in the US. Zombie was eventually able to buy back the film, and Lions Gate distributed to theaters in April 2003. House of 1,000 Corpses is very gristly, but surprising funny as well, with great sets, great writing, and even better acting. Check it out:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 3 - Audition


Today's horror movie is the absolutely chilling Japanese import, Audition. This 1999 film is directed by Tashiki Miike, and his considered to be his masterpiece in a very long career. Audition tells the story of Shigeharu Aoyama (Ryo Ishibashi), an older widower who is pressured by his teenage daughter to start dating again. A TV producer friend of Shigeharu's convinces him to stage mock auditions to find him a new wife. Shigeharu is smitten with one girl in particular, Asami Yamazaki (Eihi Shiina) , and the two begin a courtship. Asami's back story unwinds into the truly grotesque, but I won't reveal anymore as not to spoil the ending. This movie is subtitled, and moves very slowly in comparison to American horror movies, but I believe it is a must see for any true horror fan. This is the only movie to make me actually almost vomit, but still keep me intrigued enough to not turn the movie off. Watch it and see what I mean:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In The Springtime of His Voodoo

Tori Amos In The Springtime of His Voodoo

Tori Amos "In The Springtime of His Voodoo"

Tori Amos "In The Springtime of His Voodoo" (Sugar Dub)

Tori Amos "In The Springtime of His Voodoo" (Quiet Mix)

Tori Amos "In The Springtime of His Voodoo" (Hasbrouck Heights Single Mix)

Tori Amos "In The Springtime of His Voodoo" (Hasbrouck Heights Club Mix)

Horror Movie A Day: Day 2 - Session 9

Session 9
 If you've never seen the indie horror flick Session 9, stop reading this and go watch it now (it's also on Netflix). Seriously, this 2001 psychological thriller starring David Caruso and Peter Mullan, and directed by Brad Anderson is a solid mind-f*ck from start to finish. Session 9 was filmed in an condemned asylum (Danvers State Mental Hospital) and is the perfect back drop for this creepy tale of a crew of renovators who start experiencing...problems, while tearing apart the old asylum. Watch it now:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Horror Movie A Day: Day 1 - The Exorcist

The Exorcist: The Vesion You've Never Seen
October is my absolute favorite month of the year, because fall is on its way, and Halloween is my favorite holilday, hands down.To celebrate, for the last couple of years, I watch at least one horror movie a day for the entire month of October. I love horror movies, they are by far my favorite genre because I like having the dickens scared out of me. I am always on a search for a movie that can actually scare me, so if you have any suggestions, send them my way in the comments.

For day one, I chose the first horror movie ever to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture, and my absolute favorite scary movie, The Exorcist. Released in 1973, The Exorcist deals with the demonic possession of a young girl (Linda Blair) and her mother's (Ellen Burstyn) attempts to save her. My mother said when she saw this in theaters, people were actually passing out, running out, and throwing up in the theater. For the time, it was cutting edge, and the scariest thing movie goers had ever seen on the big screen. I believe the movie still holds up nearly 40 years later. I prefer to watch the "Version You've Never Seen" edition, as it includes the famous spider-walk scene that was left out of the original theatrical release. If you've never watched The Exorcist before, I strongly suggest you do so now.

New Music For The Week of 10/01/2012

 October starts off decently with new album releases this week from Tori Amos (Gold Dust), Muse (The 2nd Law), Lupe Fiasco (Food and Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Part 1), Beth Orton (Sugaring Season), and Rickie Lee Jones (The Devil You Know)

Highlights from new singles officially out today include Ellie Goulding "Anything Can Happen", Muse "Madness", Taylor Swift "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", Simian Mobile Disco "A Form of Change", and Mika "Celebrate".